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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

All praises are for Allah, Lord of all worlds. Who created all things in pairs, fashioned them as He willed and guided them. Knower of the hidden and unseen, provider of sustenance, maintainer of universe. One Who knows the secrets of hearts and sees even crawling of a black ant on a black rock in darkest of nights. He has no partner nor did He produce any offspring, glorified is He from the lies attributed to Him. To Him belongs the dominions of heavens and earths and all submit to Him willingly or unwillingly. Originator of heavens and earth; when He decrees an affair, He just says "Be" and it is.

He is the One Who created humans and jinns and gave them hearing and sight; and showed them two pathways - of gratitude and ingratitude. One who chooses to be grateful servant, is promised great reward and one who chooses to be ungrateful is promised painful torment. He is the One Who sent messengers guiding to His straight path and making it clear, so much so that it's night is bright like it's day. There is none who deviates from it except that he will be destroyed. I openly testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad صل الله عليه و سلم is His servant and His final messenger.

As to what follows, I intend to consolidate what I learn in this blog, so that i can review them later and perhaps refine or correct them and share with anyone who might be interested. Whatever good is found in this is from Allah alone; as for errors then it is from me. May Allah make all of it beneficial for me and for whoever reads it.. Surely, He listens and responds to His servants.