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Early Muslims between Allah's Ordinance and Societal Pressure

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يا أيها المدثر قم فأنذر و ربك فكبر
O you enveloped (in garments)! Arise and warn! And pronounce the greatness of your Lord. (Al-Qur'an 74:1-3)

In the city of Makkah surrounded by inhospitable deserts and dry mountains, unappealing to empires, with water and resources in scarcity and ignorance in abundance, rose a Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) calling to worship of the Creator alone and shunning worship of His creation, warning of a severe punishment prepared for the those who reject Allah and His messengers, and giving glad tidings of immense reward to those who worship Allah alone and submit to Him in obedience. Entrusted with the burden of delivering the message to humanity, wherein lied their success and redemption, Muhammad (ﷺ) exerted with all his wealth, energy and self in conveying the message and desired sincerely for people to accept and follow it.(1)

فلعلك باخع نفسك على آثارهم إن لم يؤمنو بهذا الحديث أسفا
Perhaps, you, would kill yourself in grief, over their footsteps (for their turning away from you), because they believe not in this narration (the Qur'an). (Al-Qur'an 18:6)

Although he (ﷺ) was known to his people as al-Ameen (the trustworthy) and as-Sadiq (the truthful), the message was met with hostility, turning some of his (ﷺ) close family members into worst enemies. In an effort to challenge the message and steer people away from him (ﷺ), they came up with allegations, objections and doubts, which were categorically dispelled by Allah سبحانه وتعالى. As the revelations began coming frequently, so did the opposition and consequently persecution grew sharply. Some wanted to believe but could not express due to fear of persecution. At this point those who believed were few and it was thought that this message will not last long enough and will soon die out with the one (ﷺ) who was carrying it.

أم يقولون شاعر نتربص به ريب المنون، قل تربصو فإني معكم من المتربصين
Do they rather say, “He is a poet for whom we await a misfortune of time?” Say, “Wait! I am waiting with you, too.” (Al-Qur'an 52:30,31)

But it was the unmatched eloquence of Qur'an delivering powerful and compelling message, like of which none can ever reproduce, that was attracting ears and changing hearts. With the influence growing, leaders of Makkah tried in vain to stop the Messenger (ﷺ) from preaching through pressure, threats and even bribes. When attempts to stop the message failed they started subjecting early followers to mental and physical torture, which in some cases even resulted in death. Even those who supported the Messenger (ﷺ) based on family or tribal ties felt the heat. The pressure was immense to make a compromise, come to terms with those who disbelieved and make life of those who believed including himself (ﷺ) easy. Perhaps it would have even made sense to do so given the extent of torture that was being meted out, but Allah had other plans Who ordered His Messenger (ﷺ) not to give in.

ولا تطع المكذبين، ودوا لو تدهن فيدهنون
So, do not obey those who reject (the true faith). They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so they (too) would compromise with you. (Al-Qur'an 68:8,9)

Number of those who believed slowly and steadily continued to grow, raising apprehension of disbelievers and in turn sharpening the persecution further. Unable to bear the persecution further and in a hope to practice their faith freely Muslims began migrating to Ethiopia and some to Yathrib, while the Messenger (ﷺ) - whom Allah did not allow to migrate, continued preaching in Makkah. With the protection of Messenger's (ﷺ) uncle lifted with his death, leaders of different tribes in Makkah were joining hands to take a decisive action and put an end to this message once and for-all. He (ﷺ) tried extending the message to nearby city of Ta'if which was brutally rejected and also increased tension in Makkah. This was the day that Messenger (ﷺ) acknowledged as the toughest day of his (ﷺ) life.

After 13 years of relentless preaching, the message was bearing fruit far from Makkah in the hearts of people of Yathrib, who accepted the message and invited him (ﷺ) to their city, pledged support and waited eagerly for his (ﷺ) arrival, while his (ﷺ) own plotted assassination. Allah made His Messenger (ﷺ) aware of the plotting and commanded with migration. What followed was a historic journey to Yathrib, that he (ﷺ) embarked upon with his (ﷺ) closest companion, escaping assassination and chase attempts miraculously.

Yathrib now had a mixed community comprising of Muslims, pagans, Jews and Christians. Soon Muslims from Ethiopia migrated to Yathrib to join the Prophet (ﷺ). Muslim immigrants through Qur'an, already knew of the Prophets that Jews and Christians believed in and naturally expected and eagerly desired for Jews and Christians to accept the faith as it was in continuity and revival of message brought by the Prophets before. However, response was cold for most part with very few acknowledging and accepting the faith. As for rest, not only they rejected the faith but their scholars concealed and misinterpreted passages of their own scriptures, especially prophesies about Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to mislead their followers saying "this is not the one mentioned in scriptures" - just as they continue saying till this day. Allah corrected the expectations of Muslims saying:

أ فتطمعون أن يؤمنو لكم وقد كان فريق منهم يسمعون كلام الله ثم يحرفونه من بعد ما عقلوه وهم يعلمون؟
(O Muslims) do you still fancy that they will believe you, although a group of them used to hear the word of Allah (in their own scripture), and then having understood it, used to distort it knowingly? (Al-Qur'an 2:75)

الذين آتيناهم الكتاب يعرفونه كما يعرفون أبناءهم و إن فريقا منهم ليكتمون الحق و هم يعلمون. الحق من ربك فلا تكن من الممترين
Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him (Muhammad (ﷺ) or the Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recognize their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it. (This is) the truth from your Lord. So be you not one of those who doubt. 
(Al-Qur'an 2:146,147)

Ironically, the pagan tribes of Yathrib were quicker in accepting the faith based on what Jews themselves had described them about the Prophet (ﷺ) to come. These tribes  began to unite under the umbrella of Islam, leaving behind the ages of tribal rivalry which had divided them. Yathrib got a new identity and was being proudly referred to as Madinat-anNabiyy (city of the Prophet). These change of events were seen as a threat by Jewish tribes. As the days passed by, more verses of Qur'an were revealed addressing Jews and Christians revealing things of their own past that they wanted to hide, peeling off layers of false interpretations that they had given to their own scriptures, and dispelling lies that they propagated in the name of Allah and religion. But instead of accepting faith, it only increased them in hostility especially the Jewish groups living in and around the city, who started stirring unrest among Muslims through mockery, verbal and physical assault and even attempts on the life of the Prophet (ﷺ).

In spite of all this, Islam continued to grow in and around the city. However, among those who accepted faith some were hypocrites who had done so for potential benefit it may bring or to avoid going against the flow. They tried their best not to displease any of the groups - neither Muslims nor Jews, but did not align themselves sincerely to either one. In fact growing influence of Islam soon became a problem for them, as it imposed more injunctions on them and demanded sacrifice for the cause. Vexed with this they looked forward to destruction of Muslims and took every opportunity to sow discord from within, influencing those whom they could, fueling tribal rivalries and often enticing Jewish tribes to go on a war against Muslims and pledging support to them if they did so.

ألم ترى إلى الذين وافقوا يقولون لإخوانهم الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب لإن أُخرجتم لنخرجن معكم ولا نطيع فيكم أحدا أببدا وإن قوتلتم لننصرنكم. والله يشهد إن المنافقين لكاذبون
Did you not see the hypocrites saying to their brothers from those of the people of the Book who are unbelievers, “If you are expelled, we will certainly go out with you, and we will never obey anyone about you. And if you are fought against, we will definitely help you.” Allah bears witness that they are pure liars. (Al-Qur'an 59:11)

It was in this mixed situations, barely two years since migration that Allah abrogated Jerusalem as the direction of prayer towards which Jews, Christians and Muslims had always been praying, and turned Muslims to Makkah instead. The companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) complied instantly, but it was not easy for all. This was a prime opportunity for Jews and hypocrites to attack the Prophet (ﷺ) and sow discord and confusion among Muslims. Some were spreading rumors saying "Muhammad (ﷺ) reverted to Qiblah of his fathers and will go back to the religion of his fathers",  others tried to mock and lead people astray saying "Do you not see that Muhammad (ﷺ) says one thing in morning and other in evening?!", or casted doubt "Is this command really from Allah?!". Consequently some Muslims were left confused by the noise, while hypocrites became vocal and some of them even renounced faith as their intellect failed to grasp why would Allah give a command only to change it later. With arguments and confusion escalating, Allah - the All-Wise, revealed an amazing passage of Qur'an, wherein He dispelled doubts, affirmed the command stressing on it no less than three times and promised of great benefits that will unfold in due course due to this change of Qiblah, making this nation best of nations and with it Allah will complete His favors and blessings upon believers. Following verses give us a glimpse of arguments and its response from Allah.(2)


سيقول السفهاء من الناس ما ولىهم عن قبلتهم التي كانوا عليها؟ قل لله المشرق والمغرب، يهدي من يشاء إلى صرات مستقيم. و كذالك جعلناكم أمة وسطا لتكونوا شهداء على الناس و يكونٓ الرسول عليكم شهيدا
The foolish among the people will say, "What has turned them away from their Qiblah, which they used to face?" Say, "To Allah belongs the east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a straight path." And thus we have made you best community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. (Al-Qur'an 2:142, 143)

A very simple reason also was that Prophet (ﷺ) himself preferred it and Allah honored his (ﷺ) request.

قد نرى تقلب وجهك في السماء فلنولينك قبلة ترضاها، فولِّ وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام و حيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم شطره
Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad's  (ﷺ) ) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Makkah). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction. (Al-Qur'an 2:144)

ولكل وجهة هوا موليها فاستبق الخيرات، أين ما تكونوا يأت بكم الله جميعا، إن الله على كل شيئ قدير
For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you may be, Allah will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, Allah is Able to do all things. (Al-Qur'an 2:148)


وما جعلنا القبلة التي كنت عليها إلا لنعلمٓ من يتبع الرسول ممن ينقلب على عقبيه. وإن كانت لكبيرة إلا على الذين هدى الله
And We did not make the Qiblah which you used to face except that We might make evident who would follow the Messenger from who would turn back on his heels. And indeed, it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided. (Al-Qur'an 2:143)


وما كان الله ليُضيع إمانكم إن الله بالناس لرعوف رحيم
And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Indeed Allah is, to the people, Kind and Merciful. (Al-Qur'an 2:142)

However, the response from Allah did not seem to satisfy Jews, who in fact never wanted to believe although they knew about Prophet (ﷺ) as well as Makkah from their scriptures. Allah warned the believers against following their desires in an effort to please them. Surely if the Qiblah was not changed they would have argued saying that our scripture speaks about Makkah then why did you not take that as Qiblah? Now that Allah had made Makkah as Qiblah, they had no arguments except by way of hiding what they have of truth mentioned in their scripture. Allah advised believers not to give in to the pressure and promised of good that will come out of it.

 و إن الذين أوتوا الكتاب ليعلمون أنه الحق من ربهم، وما الله بغافل عما يعملون. ولإن أتيت الذين أوتوا الكتاب بكل أية ما تبعوا قبلتك، وما أنت بتابع قبلتهم، وما بعضهم بتابع قبلة بعض. ولإن اتبعت أهواءهم من بعد ما جاءك من العلم إنك إذا لمن الظالمين
And if you brought to those who were given the Scripture every sign, they would not follow your Qiblah. Nor will you be a follower of their Qiblah. Nor would they be followers of one each-other's Qiblah. So if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers. (Al-Qur'an 2:144,145)

ومن حيث خرجت فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وإنه للحق من ربك وما الله بغافل عما تعملون! ومن حيث خرجت فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وحيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم شطره لأن لا يكون للناس عليكم حجة إلا الذين ظلموا منهم فلا تخشوهم واخشوني ولأتم نعمتي عليكم ولعلكم تهتدون كما أرسلنا فيكم رسولا منكم يتلو عليكم آياتنا ويزكيكم ويعلمكم الكتاب والحكمة ويعلمكم ما لم تكونوا تعلمون. فاذكرواني أذكركم واشكروا لي ولا تكفرون
And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah), and wheresoever you are, turn your faces towards, it (when you pray) so that people may have no argument against you except those of them that are wrong-doers, so fear them not, but fear Me! - And so that I may complete My Blessings on you and that you may be guided. Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know. So Remember Me, and I will remember you, and be thankful to Me, and be not ungrateful to Me.
(Al-Qur'an 2:150,151)

At the outset the change in Qiblah appeared to be a wrong decision for all reasons. Not only it distanced Muslims from Jews and Christians, but also made Ka'bah center of Islam while it was religious and political center of Quraysh(3), setting Muslims on a path to head-on collision with them, but it was only 8 years later that Makkah had surrendered peacefully to the Prophet (ﷺ) and on the day of Arafah Allah revealed following verse confirming fulfillment of His promise:

اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم و أتممت عليكم نعمتي و رضيت لكم الإسلام دينا
Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as Dīn (religion and a way of life) for you. (Al-Qur'an 5:3)

1. Suggested reading on the life of the Prophet (ﷺ): "The Sealed Nectar" by Safi-ur-rahman Mubarakpuri.
2. Refer exegesis of Qur'an by Ibn-Katheer.
3. Leading tribe of Makkah who were still pagans.
