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Poem - What You Sanctify?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

With clay you made it,
As you will you shaped it,

With garments you adorned it,

With incense you perfumed it,

With foods you served it,

Will it ever eat it?

With chants you invoke it,

Will it even hear it?

With care you protect it,

Lest you break it!

But if it does you replace it!

And then you worship it?!

Tell me why you sanctify it?

With clay He made you,

How He willed He shaped you,

With garments He adorned you,

Nose to smell - He gave you,

With foods He nourished you,

Does He need food from you?!

When in distress He relieved you,

When you whispered He heard you,

With His mercy He protected you,

When He wills He will replace you!

That's Allaah - One who created you!

Him alone, then worship! Will you?


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