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A Poem for Reflection

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Climb atop highest mountains,

Pierce your sight into the heavens,

Expand your vision to the horizons,

Dive deep into the darkest oceans,


Tell me now, do you find the Creator in creation?

Or can you grasp His grandeur with imagination?


Will you then worship your hand’s creation?

Or other beings lower in station?

Or pious dead awaiting resurrection?


What is wrong that you don’t reason!

Ditch gods created by humans!

To your Creator - alone - show devotion!


Follow His messenger sent to all nations,

You will be rewarded with eternal dominion,

In paradise, reclining high in station,

With words of recognition and congratulations,

Rivers, fruits, shades - delights beyond imagination,

In seats of honor near Lord of creation.


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